Course Cadence

Class Cycle Topics

Scrimmage Time (minutes

Video "Homework" (linked in video section)

Cycle 1 (~Classes 1-7)


Watch 3 games

Cycle 2 (~Classes 8-14)


Watch instructional videos on specific skills

Cycle 3 (~Classes 15-21+)


Watch culture, climate, history of ultimate related videos

Backhand, pivoting, and traveling

Basics, pivoting, traveling, shaddow scrimmage

Forehand, mark, and marking fouls

Basics, marking stance, marking fouls

Force and breaking

Calling your own fouls

Cutting and stacking

Offense positions and strategies

Stacks, end zone, defensive-less scrimmage

Dumping and swinging

Defense and strategies

Zone versus person

Field sense

Spacing, flow