Russ Loves Hex
November “Extra Credit” Assignments
Welcome to the Hexagon Offense, Russ's favorite.
Trust him he's a hexpert.
Travis Myburgh, Felix Shardlow, and Jason Thompson talk about ways of introducing Hex Offence with your team - conveying the basics, running dedicated training session(s), or simply calling it on the line before receiving the pull. This video covers whether you want to give it a shot during pickup, introduce it to a team to be added to their offences, or dive straight in and design a full season of hex training.
Hammertron Prime runs the Hexagon Offense vs Mix Tape at New Zealand Nationals 2019
In this video, both announcers are very familiar with the Hex offense and are able to explain/analyze in real time what Hammertron Prime (dark jerseys) are doing well in terms of execution.
At the 6:04 minute mark, a commentator notes that there a couple of ways to slow or stop a Hex offense (play a defense that poaches cutters to clog the cutting lanes and make lots of switches to hand off cutters from one D player to the next; or, play mad-dog “shut down” person-on-person defense).
Also, pay particular attention to what the announcer says at the 7:49 minute mark, he really does a great job of explaining how to know if the Hex is working (is the Defense “winning” the point or is it the Offense?) by noting that in some defensive schemes, getting the offense to throw more passes usually leads to a higher chance of a turnover – but that’s not necessarily the case in the Hex.
At the 9:10 minute mark, one of the commentator’s does a really good job of explaining why he thinks that Felix Shardlow has “opened a Pandora’s Box” with his Hex innovations, and both commentator agree that it could change the sport forever. Then at 10:47 they have to walk it back a little, LOL.
Cotarica Grandes use excellent throw'n'go technique, movement and spacing to exploit weaknesses in Sieben Schwaben's loose zone defense at Vienna Spring Break in 2022.